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Secrets are about to be revealed...

Enter mount

Hark, Fair
traveller! You’ve
uncovered the

Only the stout-hearted
find this page

Welcome to the pits of Mount Haapahovi. Seems to us that you are among the rare few. The sharp-eyed and strong-willed. Those guided by their curiosity and cunning with a deep… deep desire to pipe white-hot darts off the fairways of life.

Congratulations, you’ve found the secret Takomo giveaway. Very few have made it this far. Scroll down to continue your journey, oh warrior.

Gird thy loins for there be a gift

Whist yon youth TikTok from hence to whence nar a second thought to notice a tasty easter egg ungarded, ye of sharp intellect hath cracked the code. A reward for the few of you wise enough to enter these halls awaits (at the bottom of this landing page).

Be not coy, sweet scholar, seize thy destiny, and pull the proverbial sword (enter your email) from the metaphorical stone (into a form for a solid chance to win).

A rich boone for ye,
keen-eyed wanderer.

Fresh from the forge, sweet boones (potential winnings) await, for ye hath discovered a Takomo giveaway most exclusive. With so few among your ranks, your chance of victory doth be high.

Us smiths, look to giveaway (INSERT GIVEAWAY DETAILS)

Riches awaits
my new friend!

P: Sorry about all the old English talk. My boss made me do it. Anyway, congratulations on finding this secret giveaway. Few have found this secret page, so, I like your odds. This giveaway is available to all Takomo fans regardless of location. Giveaway ends (INSERT DATE)